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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№2 2012)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 2, February 2012)

    O.V. Podalko, N.Yu. Psareva
    Integrated system of SMW management: evolution and implementation
    Waste management, integrated procedure of SMW management
    The paper discusses advantages of integrated systems of SMW management (ISM SMW) in comparison with the differentiated systems that are used to manage waste in our country. An ISM is defined as a complex of methods and means of management of a group of waste fractions included in the category “SMW” over their entire life cycle. The main problems and issues that require addressing in the ISM development are presented. Some solutions in relation to the ISM SMW for cities and cities sectors with the populations of 0,3 – 1,5 mln are given. A procedure and the results of the implementation of the ISM SMW in Barcelona in 1998 – 2006 are provided; the implementation of the procedure allowed decreasing the volumes of landfilled waste sevenfold.

    A.L. Mosse, G.E. Savchenko
    Plasma methods in technologies of municipal waste management
    Economic analysis of plasma technologies application, utilization of heat energy of waste gases
    The paper describes designs of companies specializing in application of plasma technologies for waste treatment and processing

    Filipp Fisho
    Myths and legends of biogas
    Landfill biogas, Kyoto protocol, energy generation from waste
    The paper describes processes of organic matter decomposition in landfills, leading to the formation of biogas. The phases of microbial bio-transformation, their duration, volumes of gas produced, and the factors enhancing its removal from landfills are discussed. The principles of the Kyoto protocol are also discussed. The estimates of the gas usage cost recovery at a model landfill are presented. In general, the analysis suggests that, for the creation of the network of biogas collection, it is necessary to make large investments that require implementation of an array of preparatory technical research works and arriving at specific decisions at the stages of landfill design and operation.

    M.B. Pluschevsky
    Identification and passportization of waste
    Waste passportization, secondary material resources, national state standards for waste management, recycled resources
    Treatment of waste products that represent secondary material resources should be associated with their identification and subsequent passportization. The current national state standards demonstrate the approach to passportization of resource-containing waste; a stagewise algorithm of passportization is suggested. The initial national state standards are given together with terms and definitions.

    A.A. Shurygina, N.P. Tyushin, Yu.V. Savina, M.M. Savchenko
    Urban “deposit of electronics” – to development!
    Used electronic equipment, utilization of electronic waste, urban deposits
    A comparative quantitative assessment of used electronic equipment saved by the population of Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky (180 thousand people) in 2009 and 2011 was conducted based on the results of polls and their extrapolation. Using data on the average mass of a telephone or a computer, the approximate volume of the “deposit” was estimated. The data on metal content in one ton of used cellular phones and computers were incorporated to arrive at a potential content of metals in the “urban deposit.” The value was assessed based on prices of London Metal Exchange and the Bank of Russia. The results obtained can be used as an argument for the speedy creation of the system of collection and utilization of used electronic equipment in the country.

    T.V. Baravskaya
    Best waste management technologies
    Best available waste management technologies, BAT, reference books BREF on waste
    The paper describes basic program documents in the area of implementation in Russia oaf technological control using best available technologies (BAT). The concept of best available technologies and reference books BREF are discussed in detail in relation to waste management. Using information in reference books on BAT will allow closing existing informational gaps.

    T.P. Ponomarev
    Sites for waste deposit: legal aspects of selection of a land parcel
    Urban planning, selection of sites, design documentation, establishment of sanitary-protection zone
    The paper describes the permitting process for the establishment of waste disposal facilities and discusses the need to implement population safety sanitary requirements during the design process. The identification of locations for the construction of waste disposal facilities should be based on the pre-design and design documentation.

    M.V. Dmitrieva
    Waste: legislation and practice
    Production and consumption waste, regulatory determination
    The paper is devoted to the analysis of the regulatory determination of the production and consumption waste. Thus, the author suggests defining waste as any object rejected by an owner. The author considers that the definition of waste provided by the legislature demonstrates an incorrect understanding of the waste sector in general.

    Dolores D. Mendels, Olga R. Canyete
    Spain – a country of contract relations in the waste sector
    Treatment of municipal waste in Spain, collection and transportation of SMW in Spain, management of SMW in Spain
    The paper discusses issues of organization of SMW management in Spain (stages of formation, collection, and transportation). The regulatory foundations, well developed in the area of waste management, features of municipal waste formation, and comparison of the parameters with other European countries are presented; applied models and organization of services for waste collection are discussed. The fractional composition of typical waste in Spain is provided together with the SMW data: over one half of waste is deposited in landfills, one third is separated on belt-lines, about 5% is subjected to bio-methane generation, and 8,69 is incinerated.

    Rafaelo Cossu
    The concept of an ecologically sustainable landfill
    Assessment of mass balance, ecological sustainability, accumulated landfill mass, uncontrolled gas emissions
    The assessment of mass balance was used to study migration of substances that compose and leave a system (in this case, a landfill). The model of mass balance may become a useful tool and means of data collection to implement, in practice, the concepts of ecologically sustainable landfill. The paper provides examples of estimates based on this model that allows assessing the influence of different approaches to the issues of waste disposal.

    O.L. Deyashkina
    trash-art – the art of waste
    Works of Deininger, trash-artist, waste art, example of creative approach to waste
    One of the most offbeat trends in art is the “trash-art” – an “alternative art” and an original protest against clichés and rules. The paper talks about serious and fun creative approaches of artists working in this genre.
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    Закупка и переработка лома и отходов нержавеющей стали от 2% никеля, меди, алюминия, бронзы, латуни.

    ТаоПласт официальный дилер заводов КНР, поставляем оборудование для вторичной переработки полимеров, ТПА, оборудование для получения каучука из использованных шин и линии получения брикетов из опилок

    Куплю отходы пленки на дальнейшую переработку. Куплю отходы полиэтилена в виде производственных отходов, брака, некондиции, отходы стрейч пленки в виде среза с паллет, отходы упаковки. Отходы ПВД, тер...




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    Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:35:16
    Настоящим, в соответствии с Федеральным законом № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 года, Вы подтверждаете свое согласие на обработку компанией ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» персональных данных: сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, передачу в целях продвижения товаров, работ, услуг на рынке путем осуществления прямых контактов с помощью средств связи, продажи продуктов и услуг на Ваше имя, блокирование, обезличивание, уничтожение.

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    Компания ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» гарантирует, что правообладатель, дистрибьютор или реселлер программного обеспечения осуществляет защиту персональных данных на условиях, аналогичных изложенным в Политике конфиденциальности персональных данных.

    Настоящее согласие распространяется на следующие персональные данные: фамилия, имя и отчество, место работы, должность, адрес электронной почты, почтовый адрес доставки заказов, контактный телефон, платёжные реквизиты. Срок действия согласия является неограниченным. Вы можете в любой момент отозвать настоящее согласие, направив письменное уведомление на адрес: podpiska@vedomost.ru с пометкой «Отзыв согласия на обработку персональных данных».

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