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![](/i/item.gif) Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 3, March 2011)
![](/i/cl.gif) |
| The point of no return – here, on the Earth!
Country-donor, UNIDO activities, UNIDO Center in the RF, Atlas of the Best Available Environmental Technologies
This is an interview with Director of the UNIDO Centre for International Cooperation in the Russian Federation (a UN organization on industrial development) S.A. Korotkov and the national coordinator of the project, an expert of the UNIDO Centre in the RF, V.A. Maryev; they talk about UNIDO environmental activities and the expected outcomes of environmental projects associated with burial and utilization of different types of waste.
N.N. Burtseva
Environmental industry in the waste sector: planning at the territory level
Waste management planning, environmental industry in waste management, waste formation minimization measures
Development and implementation of territorial programs in management of production and consumption waste is under the jurisdiction of the federation subjects, while its collection, transportation, utilization, and processing are under the authority of local governments. Implementation of responsibilities is difficult because of an inadequate methodological framework. The system of development of environmental industry has three hierarchical levels of planning (federal, federal subjects, and local government) and two types of plans (long- and short-term). The paper discusses principles of five-year, annual, and other plans of different duration for waste management and methodology for including different factors in the plans for management of waste formation, processing, neutralization, and burial.
V.A. Akshel, M.K. Kaderleev, B.A. Zhiganov
Eco Valley: production of energy from waste
Plasma gasification of SMW, waste plasma gasification technology
The paper is about a mutual project on plasma gasification technology by Hitachi Metals (Japan) and Westinghouse Electric (USA) implemented at the Eco Valley facilities in Japan. It describes the gasification process and provides data on the volume of processed waste (SMW and automotive scrap) and generated gas. The process design is shown.
.A. Imalitdinov
Improving waste management system
Waste management program concept, federal program on waste management, management of collection, sorting, processing, and utilization of resource-valuable fractions
The paper reviews the existing situation with waste in the country, including in the megacity. An integrated waste management program based on modern economical approaches and the best available technologies is suggested. Examples of educational programs for the population of the RF are given. The goals and tasks of the program are discussed. In order to implement the program, it is necessary to launch a number of entities (e.g., a management company, non-for-profit partnership, environmental protection association, or subsidiary company) engaged in waste management in close cooperation; the types of this cooperation are presented. The implementation steps are suggested. Each phase of SMW management, including processing of recyclables at industrial facilities, is reviewed. Financing, informational support, and legal regulation are discussed.
Ya. I. Filimonov
Public organization - the driving force of separate collection of waste
Separate collection of waste, SMW sorting management, private initiatives on separate collection management, environmental fleet, volunteers, public organizations
Why does the implementation of separate collection of municipal waste at its source, including recycling of useful components, remains a problem in Moscow? The paper discusses the reasons. At least 385 thousand tons of waste per year are collected and sorted by the citizens because of their environmental and economic intents. Moscow citizens are, in principle, ready to implement separate collection under the framework of initiatives of public associations and individual activists (public projects "Ecoloft on Pyatniskaya," "Separate and be in Good Health!”, "Save a Tree," "Waste. No More.", etc.). Director General of "Ecology Sphere" LLC A.V. Kuznetsov shares his vision on the potential of spreading the practice of separate collection of SMW in Moscow.
S.A. Sipatov
Discarding waste separately
SMW management in Nyzhnyi Novgorod, local separate collection of SMW, participants of the waste market
Nyzhnti Novgorod was the first municipal entity in the Nyzhnyi Novgorod Oblast to transition to collection and removal of SMW using European technologies. However, there still remains a problem associated with the two existing landfills. Separate collection of waste has been in existence for a long time in the city; there have been successful private companies ready to invest financial resources in separate collection of waste and SMW processing.
U.P. Zyryanova
Separate and rule
Ulyanovsk Oblast, waste management, target program on SMW, private sector in Ulyanovsk
The paper talks about SMW management in Ulyanovsk Oblast. It provides and analyzes results of research conducted in 2006-2009 on the volume of removed, used, neutralized, and buried waste (municipal and from large facilities). It also talks about implemented target programs of 2009-2011 "Clean City" and "Green City" and about ongoing and planned projects based on, among other things, separate collection and elimination of illegal dumps. The paper gives data on inspections of violations in the environmental protection area: a number and kind of violations identified. Overall conditions of the Ulyanovsk Oblast in the beginning of 2011 are assessed.
N.A. Svitoch
Every type of waste - its own bin. International practice
Separate collection of SMW, international practice, "garbage police," waste processing in Switzerland, initiative group "Don't Waste Aluminum"
The paper reviews international practice of separate collection of municipal waste. It discusses separate selection of SMW in Switzerland, Germany, USA, Spain, Sweden, Italy, France, Great Britain, and Australia. |
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