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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№4 2013)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 4, April 2013)

    A.N. Tugov, V.F. Moskvichev
    On the issue of waste management in metropolitan areas

    Solid municipal waste, energy efficiency of SMW disposal, European practice, stratified combustion
    On the example of Paris, the paper demonstrates that large cities of Europe use all methods of SMW processing, including recycling and sorting based on separate collection and combustion. Thermal processing of SMW with electrical and thermal energy production plays the key role. This resulted in the increase of a number of facilities for thermal processing of SMW in the EU countries (at the present time, 456 in total). The paper reviews some of objective factors in large Russian cities, which should be considered in the development of the SMW utilization concept. The paper justifies stratified combustion of waste in mechanical stratified burners as the best available commercial technology of energy utilization of SMW, applying environmental, technical, and economic criteria.

    V.V. Metchev, O.A. Vlasov
    Reconstruction of TPP, CHP, and SDPP for SMW processing

    Combustion of SMW in melted slag, oxygen free gasification, TPP, CHP, SDPP, SMW, bath smelting
    The paper discusses the potential of co-combustion of gasification products of inferior coals and solid municipal waste in furnaces of power boilers of TPP, CHP, and SDPP with installation of a converter in bath smelting directly under the power boiler. The application of coal burning and SMW in slag melt has completely excluded underburning possible in combustion of powdered coal. High temperature (1400–1500 °С) practically excludes hazardous gaseous and solid substances (in the form of flue dust). Maintenance costs decrease 1,5 fold, because coal preparation is not necessary. In the process of combustion, liquid slag is formed; it can be used as construction material and as metal close in composition to cast iron. The paper gives gasification estimates for burning 20 tons of coal and 20 tons of SMW per hour.

    M.N. Bernadiner, I.M. Bernadiner
    Neutralization of waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls

    Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs utilization technology, high-temperature oxidation, thermo-oxidative disposal of PCBs
    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), resulting from combustion of SMW, are supertoxicants of the global scale. The paper discusses technologies for PCBs disposal that potentially exist in Russia. Using developed technical, environmental, and economic requirements for technologies, a preliminary assessment of 10 processes of PCBs disposal was conducted; the results were used in selection of 4 Russian technologies of high-temperature oxidation. The technology of thermo-oxidative (fire) neutralization of liquid PCBs in cyclonic reactor was considered the best. The paper provides a detailed review of a technological cycle and a design of a plant that utilizes this technology. It also provides key performance indicators for liquid PCBs disposal.

    A. G. Ershov, V. L Shubnikov
    Thermal disposal of hazardous waste. The use of gas analyzers

    Hazardous waste incineration plant, thermal neutralization of medical waste, IMA 2006F plant, gas analyzer Sensis-310
    Emissions from incineration of hazardous waste are under more stringent standards than in the case of regular waste incineration plants. It is necessary to monitor composition of flue gases. The paper talks about IMA 2006F plant designed by JSC "SIS - Natural Resources" for thermal neutralization of medical and biological waste. The plant utilizes technology for neutralization of waste in auto-thermal regime using managed stratified combustion under oxygen excess and negative pressure. A system of automated monitoring based on gas analyzers Sensis-310 is used for optimization of combustion process and constant monitoring of the emissions. This system providesfor integrated monitoring of technological process parameters and control of hazardous substances after flue gas cleanup.

    K. Maykov
    Integrated waste management: the energy and secondary resources

    Concept of solid waste management, facility for thermal processing of waste, energy generation from waste
    The concept of solid waste management must be developed considering the gradual incorporation of different methods of SMW management and considering features of individual regions and territories of the Russian Federation. The paper reviews the concept of SMW management that is best suited now in Russia. The concept includes waste sorting with extraction of valuable fractions and an auxiliary waste-based energy generating facility. The paper describes a design of a stand-alone waste processing plant developed under the suggested concept of SMW management. Its process technology is based on thermal pyrolysis with conversion of waste into a high-calorie synthesized gas used for generation of thermal and electrical energy. The engineering drawing of the facility for thermal and chemical processing of mixed waste and energy generation is given. The main advantages of the suggested concept for waste processing are discussed.

    M.M. Vostrikov, D.I. Kaufman
    Municipal waste: burn everything indiscriminately!

    The concept of waste treatment, incineration
    This is one of the comments on the publication of the Federal Service for Supervisions of Natural Resource Usage in June of 2012 «Feasibility Evaluation of the Optimal Method of Solid Municipal Waste Neutralization in the Housing Sector of the Cities in Russia». Using experience of developed countries, the authors consider incineration the best acceptable method for SMW utilization. The paper describes a concept of waste incineration with the use of domestic waste incineration plants ИН-50; the plant had a good record over 20 yrs. of operation at over 200 facilities in Russia and CIS countries. It can effectively use two methods of SMW processing: sorting and incineration. Contrary to the popular designs, the ИН-50 design suggests incineration of SMW in its unmodified state with extraction of useful inorganic fractions (metals, glass, ceramics, etc.,) at the end of the cycle, i.e., form ash residue.

    Holland: the use of waste incineration products
    Incinerator ash, The Netherlands, flue gas, EU Directives
    The paper provides a review of existing literature and sites on the issue of the use of waste incinerator ash at incineration plants. Neutralization and use of the residue products of incineration will long be a more urgent problem than the problem of decreasing toxicity of flue gases emitted to the atmosphere, because daily production of incinerator residual ash products requires safe removal. The paper discusses practice and problems of the use of waste ash from waste incineration in The Netherlands where 11 waste incineration facilities operate together with the largest in Europe plants for thermal neutralization of SMW.

    E.M. Virlich
    The way Sweden treats waste

    Sweden, thermal energy, municipal waste, waste incineration
    Sweden is recognized around the world for its efforts to save the environment. Specifically the Swedish people were one of the first in the world to begin processing solid municipal waste for energy generation. The Swedish practice in SMW management is very valuable and may be applied in Russia. The paper discusses the ways of how this can be accomplished. It also gives comparative characteristics of different methods of municipal waste management.
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