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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№7 2012)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 7, July 2012)

    Commercial goods and their packaging: who wins?
    Packaging of goods, the role of packaging, packaging formation factors
    The paper discusses the entire scope of problems associated with packaging, including its functions and the impact on the environment. The paper presents the results of research on turnover and role (protection of products) of packaging conducted in the UK in 2000-2004. Also, the effects on the environment and human health of various MSW management options are investigated. Social and economic factors that determine the demand for packaging in contemporary society are addressed.

    A.P. Vygovskaya
    Statutes and regulations and organizational-economic aspects of waste management
    Waste, municipal waste, statues and regulations, economic tools, waste management, organizational-economic system
    The paper gives a detailed analysis of waste management in Ukraine. The country is making significant efforts in establishing a system of solid waste management and of its legal and economic support. However, this process is not carried out consistently. Individual subsystems and components have different degrees of development and implementation. The basic laws and legislation governing waste management in Ukraine are described. Strategic and operational objectives are discussed considering international and national experience of economic reforms in the area of natural resources management and the provisions of the Directive 2008/98/EC. Implementation of the National program aimed at waste management is underway. A draft concept of this program has been developed and its public hearings has been conducted.

    Kh.N. Nikogosov
    About garbage with sadness
    Deficiencies in waste management
    The paper provides comments on the regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for design and maintenance of landfills for municipal waste," adopted on May 30, 2001. In the author's opinion, almost all points of sanitary regulations should be revised and a new document that meets all modern requirements should be prepared promptly. The construction of landfills without building codes (so-called SNiP) or detailed instructions should not be alowed. The author notes that now Russia lacks modern regulations relating to the construction and reclamation of landfills. However, back in 2007, in the K.D. Pamfilov Academy of Munisipal Services, Instructions for the Design, Construction, and Reclamation of Sites for Storage of Solid Waste have been developed, but have not yet been implemented.

    O.V. Ovsyannikova
    The modern practice of licensing of waste management
    Licensing of waste management; Rosprirodnadzor; storage, accommodation, and use of waste
    The transfer of waste ownership is a complex and poorly regulated issue that determines fees for waste disposal and sanitary-epidemiological and environmental requirements imposed on waste owners. Within the waste management market, there are many companies are licensed for only waste collection because this type of licensing is the easiest to obtain. Therefore, many companies transfer (for a fee) their waste to other economic entities licensed to collect it. However, if everyone would send each other waste, then who, in the end, will process it?

    A.C. Emelyanov
    Federal Arbitration Court decided ...
    Waste management, Arbitration Court of Appeal, failure of environmental and sanitary compliance, liability for the negative impact on the environment
    Readers are invited to analyze a number of court judgments on the lack of compliance with environmental and sanitary requirements for the handling of solid waste.

    E.A. Ustyantsev
    Removal of garbage in the private sector
    Garbage collapse in the private sector, labeled bags, container packaging, personal Euro Container
    Waste collection in residential areas has been and remains the main "trash" problem in the private sector. How is this problem being solved in Yekaterinburg? This paper talks about the implementation by the city's administration and the municipal enterprise of the project "Our trash in white," suggesting purchase by the residents of labeled bags for waste with a capacity of 60 or 110 liters and supplying individual houses with personal Euro Containers.

    E.S. Leontyev
    An illegal dump was closed!
    Unauthorized dump of solid waste, "Green Patrol"
    This story is about how an illegal dump near the village Smeshino in Leningrad region was closed. The audit by the "Green Patrol" discovered the fact of active functioning of a Municipal Unitary Enterprise whose collection trucks regularly dumped mountains of fresh MSW onto the dump that has been closed for almost a year and is being in the process of "reclamation." It turned out that in fact, there, even a design for reclamation was lacking. Bailiffs sealed the entry to the dump, but later, the administration allowed access again. At the present time, the dump is being in the process of closing.

    E. A. Kotelnikova, O.B. Zaytsev
    Passportization of medical waste. Legislative framework and law enforcement practice
    Legislation in the field of MSW, medical waste, contradictions in environmental legislation
    The paper talks about contradictions in environmental legislation and deviations from the norms in law enforcement practice, using the field of certification of medical waste as an example. In accordance with the Federal Law №309-ФЗ of December 30, 2008, management of waste of health facilities has been removed from the scope of the Federal Law "On Waste in Production and Consumption" № 89-ФЗ, and therefore, since 2009, medical waste is not subject to certification. However, the new legislative acts regulating this sphere of activity have not been drawn. Subsequently, during the certification of this type of waste, a number of difficulties associated with the differences between the rules of law and the requirements of regulatory bodies have arisen. The paper reviews a concrete example of addressing this problem situation.

    M.V. Ponomarev
    Modernization of legislation on waste under new prospects of environmental protection development in Russia
    Waste management, waste legislation
    The current legislation on waste needs system improvement aimed at upgrading its main institutions, formation and implementation of a system of economic incentives for economic entities, introduction of low-waste technologies and equipment, regulation of certain types of waste for their environmentally safe disposal, as well as at the development of waste processing industry. The article discusses the main aspects of legislative modernization in the field of waste management.

    E.A. Zagorskaya
    Meets environmental standards!
    High-temperature pyrolysis, recycling, WCP installation, monitoring of air emissions, coking residue
    Readers are invited to test results of the pilot plant for processing waste by high-temperature Waste Conversion Pyrolysis (WCP). Scientists and experts see the main advantage of this method compared to other treatment technologies in the universality of the system, which combines " pleasure and utility": WCP plant provides for environmentally safe waste processing without its separate collection. In the process, there is generation of heat and (or) of electricity, which contributes to the effective solution of not only environmental, but also of energy problems.

    N.R. Sokolova
    Transboundary movement of waste: international and Russian legislation
    Transboundary movement of waste, hazardous waste, the Basel Convention
    The article deals with the transboundary movement of hazardous waste. It describes the history of the Basel Convention and its development today. In Russia in accordance with the established procedure, permits for transboundary movement of waste are issued by Rosprirodnadzor. The paper gives details on the key provisions of the Basel Convention and the associated norms of the Russian legislation. It also gives comments to some of the documents required for movement of hazardous waste.
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