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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№4 2012)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 4, April 2012)

    P.N. Chepiga
    A model of government concession in waste management
    Waste management, municipal unitary enterprise, regional unitary enterprise, public-private partnership in waste management
    A weak point of existing system of waste management arises from combining regulatory and executive functions for SMW services in municipalities. A municipal unitary enterprise, acting as an administrative division of a municipality, does not have incentives to optimize costs for the maintenance and enhancement of serves for the public. The author considers that today, in waste management, it is necessary to substitute «regionalization» for «municipalization» with the maximal expansion of authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to increase the efficiency of management considering specific territorial character and regional interests. Principles of regionalization of waste management are suggested. Public-private partnerships may be promising models for the implementation of large «waste» projects. The most efficient model of waste management is concession.

    V.V. Zhukov
    A waste management SRO – the next-generation public organizations
    Self-regulating organizations, organizational principles of SRO
    The paper reviews issues of the creation and functioning of the next-generation public organizations; self-regulating organizations is a good example of such entities. The essence of the term «self-regulation» and the feasibility of its application to the natural resource use and the environmental protection are analyzed. The author considers that self-regulation may compliment the state regulation in the environmental protection, including waste management, but it cannot displace or remove the state as a main regulatory entity in this area. Social self-regulation and its institualization are yet insufficiently well developed in Russia and abroad. The basic organizational principles of the self-regulating system are given.

    Yu.V. Pavlenkov
    Building a system of waste management in municipalities
    Organization of waste management system, waste management in Moscow and Moscow region, waste management procedure, separate collection, mobile units
    The actual volumes of produced waste in Moscow and Moscow region exceed stated parameters. If the current systems of SMW management are maintained, the capacities of existing SMW landfills will be exhausted in not more than three years. The decree on waste management adopted by the Government of Moscow in 2008 is actually not being followed and the issue of building an inter-regional body of the integrated management of the ecosystem of the Moscow agglomeration is being ignored. However, without waiting for new decisions from the regional governments, it is possible, even today, to build effective SMW management systems in municipalities, by utilizing the existing regulatory and legal framework and economic and organizational conditions of management entities functioning. A model of an organizational procedure of waste management that utilizes schemes for separate collection of waste at the origin (using mobile sorting units) is suggested; an organizational scheme of the primary industrial cycles of the technological process of household waste management in municipalities is presented.

    P.I. Kuznetsov
    On the formation and development of the waste management sector
    Waste processing, organization of waste management sector, WPS
    A specific feature of the waste processing sector (WPS) is that it is both the extraction and the processing sector that uses waste as a primary material. The structure of processing of the WPS may include a large number of “classical” industrial sectors: metallurgy, petro-chemistry, energy, construction, cellulose and paper, etc. Besides, the WPS requires scientific research development, technology, and necessary industrial and energy equipment. The author shows what features the WPS under development should include, which principles it should be based on, and what it can do for the SMW management sphere. Unions and associations of waste processing organizations, being the elements and the points of growth of the sector, with adequate government support can and should play a significant role in formation and development of the WPS.

    E.V. Veselova, T.I. Andreeva, T.N. Prudskova, Ya.F. Melamed
    Production of high-impact items from PET using extrusion method
    Recovered PET, secondary processing of PET, PET modification, extrusion, technological processing of PET, geoweb
    The volume of polymer waste produced in Russia is about 3,3 mln tones, of which 66% is municipal waste. Involving it in the economic cycle allows decreasing the use of natural resources and reducing the negative impact on the environment. However, processing worsens the molecular mass of PET and its physical and chemical properties. It is possible to slow down destruction processes and to preserve or even increase melt viscosity for obtaining high quality secondary PET by chemical modification of the polymer chain. The JSC «The Institute of Plastic Mass» has developed a technology for processing recycled PET (modifying additives and equipment) into a quality band that may be used for making construction products, for example, three-dimensional seamless geoweb.

    I.G. Orlova
    Self-regulating organizations: there is plenty of work for everyone
    Waste management, self-regulating organizations, transportation, collection, use, decontamination, disposal of waste
    The paper reviews issues of the potential and of the need for establishment of self-regulating organizations (SRO) in the area of waste management under the Federal Law № 315-ФЗ. The paper discusses how and which organizations may control different areas of activities that relate to waste management. Management of transportation and collection of waste may be handled by SRO, but activities of waste disposal are best managed by associations. The utilization of waste can be regulated only partially – when sorted household waste is used. Accumulation is not subjected to control on behalf of SRO. The results of establishing of SRO in the area of waste management is the solution, including those by the regulatory bodies, to many problems existing today. The paper notes the efficiency of SRO activity.

    G.A. Chizhov
    Hazardous waste: transportation and self-regulation
    Transportation of hazardous waste, self-regulating organizations
    In accordance with the Federal Law № 99-ФЗ «On licensing of some business activities», the sphere of licensing «lost» the transportation of waste. Revocation of licensing will increase a number of waste-transportation companies, which will lead to the worsening of already poor situation in the area of hazardous waste management. This business activity may be controlled through SRO, which will increase professionalism and responsibility of a hauler. The advantages of the use of the institution of SRO in the area of transportation of waste are listed. The author gives a description of the processes of transportation, loading, transfer, and unloading of hazardous waste and of necessary requirements. In the author's opinion, the «band-aid approach» in the legislative framework should be foregone through adopting amendments to existing laws. It is feasible to develop an additional law that will regulate medical, biological, construction, and other waste, keeping their transportation separate.

    G.M. Zolotarev, A.A. Ryzhov
    Practice of waste management in Sweden
    Waste management in Sweden
    Recognition of high responsibility for the state of the environment by regular citizens made Sweden a leading country in the EU in relation to many parameters of waste management. In 2009, this country processed 98,6% of the household waste and only 1,4% was buried. One-third of the household waste is used as secondary material resources. The paper analyzes conditions that allowed Sweden to achieve such high results. The paper talks about a consistent incorporation of strict laws (often, more severe than in the EU) that regulate waste management. The paper provides data on the structure of waste management, processing of packaging, used electronics, organic waste, waste incineration, and energy generation. The Russian Trade Mission promotes knowledge on high-tech technologies of waste management.
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    Компания является представителем OMFB в России,осуществляет тех.поддержку, гарантийное обслуживание и располагает широкой складской программой. Поставка различного гидрооборудования.

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    Компания САДРИН реализует вывоз мусора грузовым автотранспортом. Специалисты организации заботятся о том, чтобы московские дворы были чистыми и ухоженными, поэтому максимально оперативно вывозят накоп...

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