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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№3 2012)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 3, March 2012)

    T.I. Shevchenko
    Economic aspects of municipal waste sorting
    SMW sorting, estimation of returns from sorting and selling of valuable fractions
    Organization of household waste management should consider potential of different regions in terms of various types of resources extracted from waste. Therefore, economic feasibility of extraction of different resources in regions varies. Using the city of Suma as an example, a potential return from sorting of SMW for obtaining mixed paper was assessed. The estimate was performed by the Ukrainian Scientific Center for Technical Ecology using data on the volume of forecasted paper fraction from household waste and considering the origin of waste production (low density residential, multifamily residential, and public and commercial offices). The expected return is 10 272 000 hryvnas (over 2 mln rubles) per year if the product is sold to the end consumer. The formulas for the assessment of the efficiency of sorting with different methods, for the estimates of sorting costs, and for the economic benefit of SMW sorting are given.

    L.Ya. Shubov
    Procedures for mechanical sorting of waste (analysis of technologies)
    Separation and sorting of SMW, waste sorting technologies abroad
    Nowadays, the main trend in separation of mixed waste is its mechanical sorting. Considering composition of the country's SMW, perfunctory incorporation of western technologies in Russia does not constitute an optimal solution. Any western technology should be adapted to Russian conditions accounting for technological properties of SMW. The author reviewed and analyzed five technological schemes of SMW separation developed by the leading foreign companies, which were incorporated in practice at facilities in different countries. In Russia, because of different reasons identified by the author, it is not feasible to apply these technologies. However, it is useful to review them in order to avoid errors at procurement by the country’s owners of sorting facilities with similar characteristics.

    I.V. Goryacheva, A.B. Beilin, A.N. Bobrakov
    Household waste is the source of renewable energy
    Gas generation and pyrolysis of SMW, procedures of thermal plasma treatment
    The paper reviews the potential of utilization of SMW energy using methods of gas generation and pyrolysis. The paper presents the average morphological composition and parameters of SMW components' thermal value. The formula for the estimate of the thermal value of combustible material, which uses data on its chemical and elemental composition, is given. The actual parameters of thermal content of gas generated using technologies of different companies is presented. The utilization of energy potential of the products of gas generation and pyrolysis of SMW depends on technological procedures applied. Process system designs with coupling of thermal plasma treatment of SMW (processed at pilot equipment) and commercially available energy units of steam-gas hybrid engines are presented.

    S.N. Sapon, E.A. Chernova
    «Tails» and waste build-up – to the drum mill!
    Equipment for SMW crushing, ball mill for waste crushing
    A continuous-feed dry ball mill is the best-suited equipment for SMW crushing that precedes many operations in waste processing. The paper reviews its advantages compared with hammer grinders, shredders, and disintegrators. A description of the design of a ball mill and of its elements, i.e., grinding balls, baffles, screens, as well as of a bioreactor for compost that can be also incorporated into the system, is given. A block schematic diagram of a unit for waste composting is provided.

    A.A. Shurygina
    Secondary precious metals for the Sochi's Matreshka
    Precious metals from electronic waste
    The author talks about the situation presented by her and her students (the students of a junior secondary school in Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky) to the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the use of secondary precious metals in production of Olympic medals for Sochi-2014 that may be obtained from processing of electronic waste. They also suggested a concept of medals in the form of Matreshka that symbolize internal resources of each athlete and person and also efforts of many people in preparation for the Olympic Games.

    I.D. Ermakov
    The favorite tunes about the big question
    Mechanical sorting of SMW, waste sorting in Russian conditions
    The paper describes features of mechanical sorting of solid municipal waste in Russian conditions and why, often, western equipment does not work with expected efficiency. The author discusses the main pitfalls in mixed SMW processing. The main shortcomings are the lack of equipment for breakage of filled trash bags and of the screening process immediately preceding the sorting phase. The Russian practice indicates that dynamic separators are not suitable for mixed household (non-commercial) waste. Only a sound organization of the waste sorting process coupled with the pertinent technology brings expected results.

    I.P. Kuznetsov
    It may be possible to avoid fees for waste disposal!
    SMW disposal, fees for waste disposal, storage and burial of waste
    The author analyzed conflicts in regulatory documents on storage and burial of waste. The situation that exists in legislation may cause a dramatic fall of the number of payers for waste disposal and in the amount of revenues of the budgets at all levels. This situation virtually does not allow applying economic regulation and management to waste handling.

    A.G. Dudnikova
    Ecological legislation: changes and comments
    Waste management legislation
    This material presents analytical comments on the legislative documents in the area of waste management adopted and effective in 2012. The paper presents an analytical narrative to the documents and decrees of the Russian Federation Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and Rosstat and to the writings of the Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, relating to waste management and environmental impact, estimates of limits, fees for negative impact, etc.

    Tom Freyberg
    Robotic sorting
    Recycler, sorting line ZenRobotics, manipulation robot, artificial intelligence, utilization programs
    It is possible that the area of waste management is the area where not so many automated solutions have been implemented. The most favorable situation in this respect is associated with the use of automated sorting of bulk and municipal construction waste. The employees of the Helsinki firm ZenRobotics, having studied the potential of the use of robotized sorting of such waste, have designed a manipulation robot. Due to unique software, this self-learning machine is able to recognized different waste fractions, including plastic, and to pick selectively parts that may be processed.
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    Проектирование оборудования по пиролизу шин и других отходов, газогенераторы, газогенераторы утилизаторы ТБО, установки пиролизной переработки проводов и кабеля и другое. Углевыжигательные печи. Устан...

    Прием и переработка вторсырья, услуги по вывозу вторсырья, установка контейнеров под вторичное сырьё на территории клиента

    Вывоз мусора, ТБО, вывоз снега, покупка вторсырья




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