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Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 12, December 2012)
| L.Ya. Shubov, O.N. Borisova, I.G. Doronkina
Waste management: implementation of the principle of hierarchy
Solid municipal waste (SMW), hierarchy in waste management, SMW sorting, thermal treatment, recyclables, waste disposal
The principle of hierarchy in waste management is discussed. The implementation of this principle in practice in the leading countries of the EU allowed decreasing the flow of disposed SMW by 5-15%. The main outcome is associated with the use of waste as a secondary raw material; the second reason is thermal treatment. The unifying process in integrated management of SMW, in terms of the hierarchy criteria, is the efficient waste sorting. The optimal technological protocol of SMW management for Russian conditions has been proposed.
The Komi Republic: improvement of waste management
Production and consumption waste, waste management, optimization of SMW management system, separate collection of waste
The paper presents a brief decription of the existing waste management system in the Komi Republic and provides data on the main stages of work of the governmental bodies towards safe waste management. The information on the long-term republican target program “Production and Consumption Waste Management in the Komi Republic (2012-2016)” and “Concepts of Waste Management in the Komi Republic” is given. The system of SMW management assumes closure and reclamation of waste disposal sites that do not meet requirements of the environmental protection and sanitary-epidemiological legislation, retrofitting of the existing facilities according to the legislative requirements, construction of waste sorting facilities, and implementation of the separate waste collection system.
T.V. Voronkova
Filtrate flow management
SMW landfill, impervious screen, filtrate, hydrologic balance of SMW landfill
Hazard from pollution of ground water by filtrate in a SMW landfill area depends on geological conditions of the territory and preventive measures for filtration, specifically, the screen in the foundation of a landfill. Modeling efforts were undertaken to design the screen. Filtration processes in the foundation of a SMW landfill were studied. A method for estimation of the hydrologic balance in the foundation of a SMW landfill was suggested. The method allows assessing the filtrate flows that permeate through the screen and reach the drainage system. Dependence of the filtrate volume on the main technical parameters of the filtration preventive system (surface slope and screen permeability and thickness) has been established.
Ye.P. Volynkina, A.Ye. Anikin, K.I. Domnin
Investigation on resources of landfill methane: Russian experience
Methanogenisis at a SMW landfill site, assessment of landfill gas resources, the SMW landfill in Novokuznetsk
The paper presents the results of research to investigate potential of methane extraction in the Novokuznetsk SMW landfill closed in 2009. The work was conducted in Novokuznetsk under the program on international cooperation “Global Methane Initiative” (GMI) supported by the administration of Novokuznetsk and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). There, the first, in the Siberian Federal District, project on the creation of a pilot unit and on landfill methane resources field research was conducted. The schemes of sample collection from the landfill body and the well design are provided; factors that influence the volume of gas produced are analyzed. A detailed assessment indicates that the landfill soils have a high potential for biogas formation.
Yu.M. Baruzdina
How to make a new bottle from an old one. The history of transformation
Recycling of plastic, PET, project “Involve Plastic in Recycling!”
The material prepared by the editorial board describes project “Involve Plastic in Recycling!” on collection and utilization of plastic packaging implemented in Solnechnogorsk, near Moscow. The participants of the project, i.e., plant “PlaRus,” “Coca-Cola,” “RusPack,” and the administration of the Solnechnogorsk region, talk about problems and the results achieved in processing of PET bottles. The main task of the project is information sharing with the public on the importance of SMW sorting and potential for secondary utilization of plastic bottles.
V.A. Tarakanov
Management of waste processing sector
Management of secondary resources sector, facilities of waste processing sector, combining environmental and economic goals
The problem of utilization and decrease of waste is the problem of creating the best possible economically feasible sector of secondary resources. The paper talks about solutions to this problem.
O.L. Deyashkina
Seven working groups on waste – is too little or too much?
Self-regulatory organizations, surplus fund, disposal fees, small business, working group
In November 2012, the Public Chamber of the RF (PCRF) held public hearings on “Civic Watch of Waste Management Legislation” with the participation of the PCRF members, experts, public organizations, executive and legislative branches, and businesses. Based on expert assessment, disposal fees, as a mandatory duty from importers and producers, in the first year of collection only may approach 10 billion rubles. Who should be in charge of this money? The readers are offered a discussion on this issue in the PCRF.
Zh.V. Perlina, V.A. Mariyev, Yu.A. Shuvalov
Used tires utilization: international experience
Tires removed from service, used tires utilization, environmental fees, shifting responsibility to tires producers
The paper talks about mechanisms of creation of a management system for used tires in order to access markets of their beneficial use, models of used tires utilization in the world, and the outcomes of the implementation of expanded responsibilities of producers.
M.V. Ponomarev
Legislative background of development of the waste-processing sector
Legal rules, model law, the la- in-effect on waste, intergovernmental standard, tentative methodological recommendations on inventory procedures of waste disposal and storage
The mid-term solution of the waste problem is possible only through the integrated use of technological, economical, ideological, and legal means of management. The absence of a legal mechanism of waste involvement in recycling, processing, and use as a material and energy resource, represents today one of the most important aspects in the area of waste management. The paper reviews existing laws and standards on waste; it gives recommendation on building principles for creation of a waste management system at the federal level. |
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