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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№7 2011)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 7, July - 2011)

    M. V. Ponomarev
    Court cases on regulation violations in waste management

    Rate for waste disposal, court practice of arbitration, waste property rights, “white spots” in existing legislation on waste
    Analysis of court practice of arbitration indicates mixed understanding of many disputed legal issues in the area of production and consumption waste management by different judicial entities. The author analyses in detail the causes of the existing situation.
    The paper discusses possible ways and options for problem solutions.

    L. P. Vetoshkina How and why the environmental legislation should be changed

    Legislation improvement, environmental legislation, business community, incorporation of economic incentives, abolition of waste management activity licensing
    The paper describes a draft federal law on changes to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation (in aspects related to improvement of regulation in environmental protection and incorporation of economic incentives for economic entities associated with the use of the best available technologies) prepared by the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2010. Using waste management as an example, the paper illustrates the shortcomings of directions in changes of the environmental protection legislation during the last 12-15 yrs. The author proves the need of waste management regulation system development and implementation in the law “On Production and Post-Consumer Waste” harmonized with the international legislation on waste management and the model legislation of the CIS-countries members.

    A. S. Yemelyanov Rostechnadzor lost, Rospotrebnadzor won

    Negative impact on the environment, first arbitration court of appeal, cassational appeal, waste disposal activities, municipal unitary enterprise, audit results
    The paper analyzes judicial decisions of the Federal Arbitration Court on holding liable a correctional camp for ignoring the requirements of Rostechnadzor on payments for waste disposal at its and the municipal unitary enterprise housing and utility services’ territories, who refused to pay for violations of the environmental and sanitary-hygienic standards on SMW management.

    M. N. Bernadiner
    We give preference to high-temperature technologies!

    Waste incineration plant, pyric neutralization of liquid toxins, furnaces reconstruction, scientific production association (SPA), patents on waste gasification, plasma pyrolysis
    Thermal waste treatment (i.e., waste incineration) is one of the aspects that have long drawn close attention of both the public and professionals in waste management. This is an interview with Deputy Director General on the Environment of JSC SPA “TechEnergoChimProm” Mikhail Naumovich Bernadiner whose books on high-temperature waste treatment have long become reference material for practically all students-ecologists and professionals in this field.

    Ya. I. Filimonov
    Japan: practice of municipal waste management

    Waste management in Japan, history of SMW management development Despite the tragedy that happened in Japan, there is evidence that activities of the entities involved in the implementation of the priority measures in the area of waste management in the country will maintain their pace. The activities of the state and municipal administrations have been of great importance in municipal waste management. The paper discusses the history of the development of the national waste management policy and the role of the national structures and local administrations in this process. It also talks about the history of the development of the legislation and the modern organization of municipal waste management. The paper provides data on the organization of SMW collection and removal and processing and disposal technologies.

    O.V. Sheveleva Waste management at the local level: rights and duties

    Payments for waste disposal, waste management, sub-federal entities’ authority, control practice, small- and medium-sized entities, waste management functions
    The paper brings up an important problem of conformity of the current notion of “waste management” with its original meaning. In the author’s opinion, the original meaning of the phrase “waste management” has now been largely lost and waste management means something like a computer game where a user has to produce, in a certain way and at a certain moment, a certain volume of documents; then there is a reward - a one-time payment. The author presents her personal vision of what “waste management” should mean.

    G. N. Fal’kova, S. M. Malakhov, I. S. Trapeznikova Kemerovo Oblast: economic instruments in waste management

    Industrial modernization, economic-organizational mechanism of conceptual approach implementation, incorporation of low-waste and resource-saving technologies
    The paper describes conceptual approaches of industrial ecogolization aimed at prevention of negative impact of waste on the environment and human health. In the author’s opinion, this process is based on decrease in waste formation and its maximal involvement in economic cycle (as secondary material and energy resource), preservation and conservation of primary natural resources, and decrease of disposed and eliminated waste. It is necessary to develop a new type of economic activity that unites collection, transportation, use, neutralization, and disposal of waste.

    O. L. Deyashkina Amazing art of Bernard Pras

    French modernist artist Pras, photographer, sculptor, native of Roumazieres-Loubert Bernard, genre of anamorphosis installations, new art form
    The paper is about a French artist Bernard Pras who creates copies of famous paintings, sculptures, and world's important photographs from used objects, in other words, from waste. He assembles mosaic sculptures in his studio and photographs them under a certain angle and distance because only in this way his creations become perceivable and look like waste piles from close-up.

    Yu. F. Danilova Property rights on waste: development of legal framework

    Legal regulation of SMW ownership relations, SMW property rights entities, rights and duties of SMW owners, ownerless SMW
    This paper is about one of the issues of legal regulation of economic activity on SMW management, i.e. municipal waste ownership relations. The author has formulated suggestions for the legislations of Ukraine and the Russian Federation on refining the notion of SMW property rights entities, their rights and duties, and grounds for such rights. This issue is especially important because the legislative frameworks of the above-mentioned countries do not address it. In practice, it creates numerous negative consequences: absence of SMW ownership that leads to environmental pollution; illegal extraction of secondary resources that prevents development of economic activity associated with such waste disposal, etc. Incorporation of these clauses into the legislations would allow eliminating these shortcomings and improving the SMW management situation in general.

    S. V. Razvorotneva Municipalities in the fight with waste: who has the upper hand?

    Local governments, municipalities, collection, removal, utilization, processing of municipal and industrial waste
    The paper analyzes factors and conditions affecting the efficiency of municipalities in collection, removal, utilization, and processing of municipal and industrial waste. It suggest measures that allow increasing efficiency of administrations at all levels in public services and solving the most urgent modern problem - increase in illegal dumps in urban and rural territories.

    T. V. Boravskaya Waste management: European legislation

    Framework Directive, European legislation, reintroduction of waste in economic cycle, laws of the European Union, principle "polluter pays"
    The paper is about the main principles of the European policy on waste management. It describes their features and the main priority directions that promote their implementation. It analyzes the main clauses of the third revision of the Waste Framework Directive. It provides typical examples of directives on flows of certain types of waste.

    V. M. Pashinskyi How much waste is produced in Russia?

    Assessment of waste production in Russia, actual estimates of municipal waste production, accounting for office waste and waste in service sector, assessment of minimal total SMW
    The exact data on the volume and composition of produced SMW is the minimal and necessary information required for analysis of the existing situation in development of activities in post-consumer waste management. Currently, this information is in open access only in respect for some territories of Russia and the summary data are absent. For example, the total assessments for Russia published in professional sources vary more than twofold. The issue of SMW composition is even vaguer: data for different territories indicate that regions may differ in the nomenclature of waste considered to be SMW. In order to obtain more accurate data on the SMW volume produced in Russia, the paper provides data for different regions and assesses their potential and shortcomings for the use in the identification of the total SMW volume.
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