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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№6 2011)
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  • Создание «циклического НДС»: первые элементы анализа
  • Экологический сбор: отчитываемся по-новому
  • Новые требованиям к обращению с биологическими отходами
  • Изменения в порядке нормирования отходов и лимитов на их размещение
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей
  • и многое другое!


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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 6, June - 2011)

    V. S. Stеpanenko
    Poland and Czechia: comparative analysis of waste management policy

    Environmental legislation of Poland and Czechia, дegislation of Poland and Czechia in international resource circulation
    Changes the national legislations of Poland and Czechia were based on the recognition that is necessary to harmonize them with the European environmental legislation as the condition of the European Union membership. Today, these countries' legislationы regulate all details of the international circulation of resources. The paper analyzes the Poland and Chezh legislations in this area, compares them, and identifies differences. It is necessary to improve this area of environmental legislation. Today, two forms of legal regulation are possible: adoption of a specific national law and improvement of the current federal law “On Production and Consumption Waste." In any case, it should be necessary to change the level of regulation and elevate its status from the statutory instrument to the statute law.

    Nesren Ahmed Serhan Al-Ahwal, Ye.G. Semin
    Yemen: waste management in Sana’a

    Structure of SMW management in Yemen The paper describes the structure of SMW management in the capital of Yemen Sana’a: methods of collection and transportation, current problems, and measures for development of the optimal management model.

    S. V. Khramenkov, S.A. Streltsov, M.G. Khamidov
    From organics – to electricity and heat. The use of hydroseparation

    Hydroseparation technology, processing of organic waste, biogas generation
    Moscow State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodokanal” together with the Department of Public and Utility Services of Moscow are studying the issue of creation of a facility for SMW processing using methods that exclude burning and disposal at landfills. One of the possible perspective technologies that allows isolation and separation from the total mass of SMW of biodegradable materials and those suitable for secondary processing, is the hydroseparation method. Processing of organic part of SMW is close to the processes used today for sewer water sediment at treatment facilities. The authors consider that perspective directions of SMW processing is waste processing plants that use hydraulic sorting of SMW with separation of the organic fraction and its subsequent decomposition with generation of biogas converted into electrical and thermal energy.

    Ya. I. Filimonov
    Japan: practice of municipal waste management

    Waste management in Japan, history of SMW management development
    Despite the tragedy that happened in Japan, there is evidence that activities of the entities involved in the implementation of the priority measures in the area of waste management in the country will maintain their pace. The activities of the state and municipal administrations have been of great importance in municipal waste management. The paper discusses the history of the development of the national waste management policy and the role of the national structures and local administrations in this process. It also talks about the history of the development of the legislation and the modern organization of municipal waste management. The paper provides data on the organization of SMW collection and removal and processing and disposal technologies.

    I. Yu. Petukhova A pilot project on waste in the Kirov Oblast: the stage has been set

    SMW management in the Kirov Oblast
    The paper analyzes the current situation in production and consumption waste management in the Kirov Oblast. It provides data on the volume of formed SMW and methods of its disposal. One of the main causes of several existing problems is the absence of a unified policy on the integrated approach to management of waste flows produced by the population and to the social infrastructure elements. Some industrial facilities, in addition to their main activities, are engaged in waste (primarily, their own) processing. In the Oblast that currently implements practically all responsibilities in waste management given by the federal legislation to the subjects of the RF, creation of a distinctly planned functional system of consumption waste management is in the planning stage. The paper lists the main directions of the activities toward this goal.

    K. A. Laptev The infrastructure for recycled paper processing

    Secondary resources, cost-effective use of resources,
    recycling, sustainable development, waste, eco-economic efficiency

    The paper reviews the infrastructure for processing of recycled paper produced at commercial facilities in Moscow. It analyzes the main business structures to identify common paths. It demonstrates eco-economic efficiency of secondary processing of cardboard. The experiments on business undertakings in paper recycling resulted in data whose analyses allows formulating a model infrastructure for recycled paper processing in Moscow.

    I.V. Babanin Waste in the countries of the European Union
    Waste management in European countries, balance between different utilization and disposal methods
    The paper analyzes recent Eurostat data on formation, incineration, and disposal of waste in several countries of the European Union. It reviews methods of waste management in different countries: Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Italy, Estonia, Poland, Czechia. It notes stabilization of the per capita volume of formed waste and emerging trends toward its decrease in the countries most advanced in development of the waste management system without decrease in the living standard. In all countries of the European Union, the main method that allows decreasing the volume of waste disposed at landfills is recycling; the level of incineration increased in those place where recycling has reached its maximal potential achieved without core economic restructuring.

    N. P. Sokolova, G. I. Kozlov Disposal of solid waste in Russia: a review of the main regional problems and decision making

    Waste management, regulatory framework of SMW management, strategies and methods of SMW management
    Each region has its own approach to efficient waste management. However, there are common principals in the modern economically efficient waste management aimed at environmental protection. The paper reviews the regulatory-legal framework of the regional and local administrations’ activity in waste management. It provides terms and definitions absent in the federal law “On Production and Consumption Waste” that, however, are still in use in the sector. The paper reviews strategies and methods used in waste management including practice of separate collection of waste in St. Petersburg.
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    Производство металлических урн, контейнеров для сбора мусора и других элементов для благоустройства дворов. Производство резиновой плитки из резиновой крошки. Благоустройство дворовых территорий, де...

    ООО "Синергия"
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